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Vandal Hearts II


Vandal Hearts II can at best be described as a tactical RPG, not very different from Final Fantasy Tactics. However, if we begin to compare, there would be no end to comparisons so I'll just stop doing that right here. Some people swear by FFT and some folks by Vandal Hearts II.

The game by itself is pretty good. You start out as Joshua a young poor peasant who gets tangled in a story of political intrigue and embarks upon an adventure. (Typical RPG style stuff ;)).

However, the battle system in Vandal Hearts II is pretty different from any other tactical RPG. It's called the Dual Battle System which basically is a mix between Real Time and regular Turn Based battle systems.

Overall, Vandal Hearts II is a game worth checking out for anyone who is a fan of the genre of strategy RPG's or even those who're looking to get into it. The visuals are beautiful at places and the game while not having a very strong storyline makes up for the loss with some solid gameplay.

Download Links:

Vandal Hearts II File 01 [20MB]
Vandal Hearts II File 02 [20MB]
Vandal Hearts II File 03 [20MB]
Vandal Hearts II File 04 [20MB]
Vandal Hearts II File 05 [20MB]
Vandal Hearts II File 06 [4.7MB]

Vandal Hearts II Manual [30MB]

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