Quote Originally Posted by MondayHopscotch View Post
But if somebody can clarify that, oh... say... this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16879555002 headset would work with my PS3, i would greatly appreciate it.

That's the headset that comes with Warhawk, least I'm pretty sure on it. It's only 25 dollars on amazon, about the same price if you were to buy warhawk with headset.

About Assassin's Creed, lets hope Ubisoft doesn't delay that game for PS3, just have feelings they will since they were having problems with both consoles at the moment. Think the problem for 360 was with disc space and with PS3 it was the memory, I'm hoping both problems were resolved since this game is looking awesome. Think I might have the mom and dad buy it for me for Christmas though, unless Haze bombs, but Uncharted looks so good. November is looking so good for both consoles, I never follow up on Wii but I think Super Mario Galaxy is coming out though.