What do you guys think about the F2P model? It seems everyone and their brothers are doing F2P now. What are your favorite F2P games and what do you like about them? Do you think F2P is the future or just a trend that will be forgotten soon?

Personally, I liked F2P when it was new. I liked the fact that I could spend exactly as much as I wanted on a game (nothing). The games I played were Quake Live and Battlefield Play4Free. I liked both of them a lot.

However now that everyone is doing it, and considering the articles above, I really hope it doesn't stay long. It has basically morphed into a method to trick players into paying more and more. Sure it's profitable, the only other business model I've seen that resembles this is fraud.

My other gripe with them is that you can never experience the game in its entirety. There are always new things coming awaiting purchase. They also die when the servers go offline. Many might not care, but I sorta prefer to just install a game and be sure that I can play it forever in its entirety.