Well, seeing Zieg's "bored and tired" writings a little while ago inspired me. I also am bored and tired, and just happen to feel like writing! Keep in mind that this is all coming right from the top of my head, right at this second. No pre-planning at all. That said, I shall begin.......

Adam couldn't believe his eyes. Or his ears, for that matter. The sight he beheld, and the sounds resulting from it, were all too much.

"But Captain, how is this possible?", he asked.

"We let our guard down, son. Lord Tenebris took advantage at precisely the right moment. Or wrong moment, for us at least", replied Captain Jameson.

As Adam gazed out the window of the B-Class starship known as "Defender Mark II", he again marveled at the scope of the destruction unfolding before his eyes. The Tenebrian Alliance had somehow managed to not only break through their first line of defense, but also had succeeded in making a suprise attack, completely decimating their attack squadron. As Adam and Captain Jameson watched solemnly, the Earth Defense Force's attack squadron's numbers dwindled at an alarming pace.

"Captain, why aren't we doing anything?" Adam asked. "Why are we just standing here watching this like it's a bad movie instead of doing something?"

Captain Jameson's stern demeanor seemed to subside for a moment. "Adam, you must understand, your survival is of the utmost importance. If we don't get you to Delta VII unharmed, all this destruction may be for nothing. And the second we make an attack, our cloaking shields will be rendered useless and our position will be compromised."

Adam sighed in exasperation and returned to the window. Captain Jameson was right, The second they fired the main cannon, their cloaking shields would drop. It would only be temporarily, but it would still be enough to reveal them to the Tenebrians. And to make matters worse, their thrusters still needed another five minutes to regain the energy needed to make the jump to lightspeed. Adam shook his head in disgust.

"All those lives.....", he thought, "All those lives sacrificed, just so I can make it to Delta VII."

Adam still barely understood what made him so special. All he knew was that he was some sort of "key" to some kind of long-forgotten power that had just recently been discovered by Earth's scientists on Delta VII. Apparently, he was mentioned in the Terrilian Prophecies as the one who would "unlock the power of the Lost Protectors, and restore peace to the galaxies". Unfortunately, one of the scientists had turned out to be a Tenebrian spy, and now the Tenebrians were after Adam as well. One thing that mystified Adam most of all was exactly how he was this "key".....He never really considered himself to be anything special at all. Just a laborer in a ship factory with dreams of becoming a hero. But that all changed one day when EDF's scientists approached him, and told him he had to leave his life behind to save humanity from certain doom. It was all too much.....

"Adam!" shouted Captain Jameson.

"Huh, wha.....", replied Adam, snapping suddenly out of his thoughts.

"10 seconds to lightspeed jump. Get ready."

"Oh, uh, okay", replied Adam, sitting in the seat next to Jameson and strapping himself in. The computer began to count down.

10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2 .....

Suddenly the ship rocked violently, and the countdown stopped.

"What the hell is going on!!!!!" shouted Jameson.

"It's the Tenebrians", replied the man Adam had assumed was the pilot, "They've somehow found us. They've turned all their attention towards us!"

The Captain looked at the floor for a few seconds, seemingly in deep thought, then looked back at Adam.

"Adam, get to the escape pod, quickly. I'll have the navigator set it's course for Delta VII. It has limited lightspeed capabilities, but it should be enough to get you there safely."

Adam looked stunned.

"But Captain, what about you? What about the rest of the crew?", Adam responded.

"Look, I told you, your survival is of the utmost importance. Besides, I took a vow to go down with this ship, and dammit, I plan on keeping that vow! Now GO!"

Adam looked at the Captain for a second, then started off towards the escape pod. He had a feeling that this was only the beginning.......