1. No posting twice in a row, or twice within ten minutes.
2. Make sure you type atleast 100 characters.
3. Content must be relavent to the song. Possible content could include why you like the song, some info about the song, or why someone else might like it.

If you can't follow these rules, don't argue them, just don't post here. Despite what you may think, this is not a place to spam.

Previous thread closed due to numerous problems with posting, duplicate posts, etc. You'll thank me one day, Im sure.

Anyway, lets get this show on the road with something awesome

Godsmack - Awake

Now playing this at an ear bleeding volume, and its currently the best thing, ever. Love the little drum thingy near the end, it nearly makes me shit myself with its pure awesomeness. Excellent it is, and no mistake.