Well, I'm using Linux at the moment (Ubuntu, Watry Warthog), and can't seem to get my USB scanner (Agfa SnapScan e20) to work. This kind of sucks, since I am an artist, and I need the scanner almost every day.

Xsane is unable to locate the scanner, so I tried installing a backend, and it worked. When I rebooted the PC, the problem was still there. I tried once more to install the backend, and it still wouldn't work.

I know many people have had problems with USB devices and Warty. I was told to try to pMount the scanner, but it didn't work, because I can not locate the scanner's directory. It's not in /dev/usb/, like it should. I've been looking around a bit, and it's nowhere to be found.

Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.