Quote Originally Posted by Solitude
Bright Eyes ~ I'm wide awake, It's morning
i already had downloaded the advance copy. but i loved the album so much, that i imported it anyways.


Andrew Bird ~ On weather systems
M. ward ~ Transistor Radio
The Streets ~ A grand don't come for free

the first two are among my favourite solo songwriters. the last is slightly over rated....but he's one of the first hip-hop artists i ever liked.

@Slim: you wasted your money on the modest mouse record.Pick up 'moon and antarctica' or 'lonesome crowded west' instead.Great Stuff.I can't believe they sold out

Heh, I've heard them, but I'm a collector and a completist, plus it was $6AUD ($3 or so US). I think you underestimate me, Wordsworth. Still like Savage Garden?...