I had an idea about 8 years ago...I was really young, my mother (wonderful hippie/gypsy lady) had passed away already from cancer and my father...he's like some Indian jazz musician I get a $100 check from like 4 times a year with no return address. (the point being I didn't know who to ask about anything having to do with the world)
My idea was for a candy...
I loved Legos (the plastic building blocks) as a young girl. I built castles and ships and had a few 'Lego kits' with knights on horses that allowed me a few childhood dreams.
One day I thought "Hey! What if they made candy that was shaped like Lego building blocks so kids could build things with them before they ate the candy!"
I actually wrote it all out and set it off (with hand drawn pictures) to like 3 different big candy companies.
Only 1 replied and said it didn't seem like a 'feasible idea' since the candy blocks would break.
I accepted that explanation and for like 6 years forgot about my idea until one day...lo and behold!
Candy blocks! (Lego Block Candy with a different name)
In the stores...my idea...made by one of the companies I sent my idea to...who never replied.
I could never prove they stole my idea...I didn't even try...I was just a kid.
I have since read extensively about trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc...
Basically, I don't have the $3000 to just even start a patent. (I'm not asking for donations...lol)
But I do have alot of great ideas as well as my true passion of writing songs...
I'm afraid now to send my ideas and/or songs to anyone anywhere for fear that anyone out there who only wishes to make a buck will steal my idea.
Wow...sorry this is so long...
The main point is, how do I share what I create?
How can I know it won't be stolen or if it is, how can I prove it was mine first?
I know patents and all that...but they cost money I don't have...I need to sell something to afford the patent on the next idea I have. (Catch 22)
Also...I wonder how many other people are really creative, but don't know what to do with what they create...
I guess I'm not looking for answers (but if you have any they would be greatly appreciated)
I simply hope I get some feed back on any one else who understands what all this rambling is about or has been through similar things and feelings of lacking trust in who you can talk to about creative ideas you have.
I am sooooo sorry this so long...I fear it will scare some away.
At least I still have my health... *cough...gasp...cough*
Oh dammit!