Quote Originally Posted by Darth Lucxus View Post
Mikey, you're a fucking weak mod. Some people spam up a thread, say about 3 posts worth. Do you delete it, like any other competent moderator? No, you add to it, by saying shit like "One more time and I'll give you a warning" complemented by some stupid fucking smiley like or .

So they spam up a bit more. What's that you say? You're giving them another chance to stop spamming before you hand out a warning? Fucking weak. You keep that shit up until the spam outweighs the respectable posts, and then you think "Oh, a thread full of spam, I'll just close this". Fucking predictable, you do it all the time. Open my thread back up, delete all the posts that contain absolutely no relevance the thread subject, and continue on your endevour to reach ultimate fucktardedness, or whatever it is you do in your free time.
You added nothing but spam yourself. I did ask that everyone else stay on topic, and quit the spam. What happened afterwards? You come back and continue it instead of staying shut, or at least saying something on topic. So no, I'm not opening that weak thread.