This is obviously a counter thread to Ktiger's thread. Mainly because I had no good stories to tell for that thread except for one, and I didn't think it was appropriate.

Times I've gotten laid, but later realized it was a mistake (This was years ago. I'm not a slut anymore):

-Had a one night stand with someone I met online. The kicker? I later found out that this person had many one night stands with many of my friends, and wouldn't leave me the fuck alone for a good two weeks.

-Had a one night stand with someone I met up with. The plans for that night were to head to NJ for a UFC event. Afterwards, we spent the night together, and they wouldn't leave me alone for a bit.

-Had a series of one night stands with someone who I barely knew, but was so attracted to. We had lots of fun, but in the end, I was the one that wanted something in terms of a relationship. Didn't happen (since the other person had emotional ties to someone else).

-I went to a bar with some friends, and ended up spending the night with some random hot person. I left early in the morning fast because I didn't even know what the fuck I was doing there.

-I dated someone back in junior high, and we went to this persons place, and we got it on. The kicker? I got dumped shortly afterwards because one of my 'friends' told the person that I had interest in their best friend, and not them.

-One time in high school, I had a one night stand with one of my class mates. Well, not really a one night stand. I didn't spend the night. Anyway, it was all good. Afterwards, the person acted as if I were a stranger. I felt so used.

-One time I spent a weekend in another state with some friends (this was when I met someone who I later had a relationship with, which i also regretted). I ended up sleeping with one of'em. Who happened to have a crush on the other person living there. Who happened to have had a fling with the other person I had a relationship with later.

Anyway, thats all for now. I think I've said enough. :\ I'm not a slut anymore, but these things happened when I was younger. Do you all have interesting stories to add? Post away.