i have not been here lately and only found out about this today and even know i can not believe the behavior of everyone here at the forums and a few other people i do not wish to mention at the time being . when i came here the first time no one spoke to me but i made a few friends after a while and was welcomed with
what i would like to think of now as friendship . the time i have spent here has been very happy for me . i have been hearing complaints about irc yes i am an op there and i have kicked my share of people but the behavior that has been appearing there is discraceful everyone ganging up on people even here on the forums ... i never expected this would happen and yet it has everyone preaches the rules but then i see them turn around and do the exact opposite there is a word for people like u hypocrites but im just babbling on for nothing now arent i the degrading , disrespecting , and rude comments will still go on.
not everyone in emuparadise is like this tho and to those few id like to say this is not aimed at u in anyway u know who u are.
and to everyone else who banters and disrespects others just because of a authority figure does u discust me get a little backbone in u just cause a person is picking on a guy/gurl doesnt mean u have the right to go along with it i dont really care if i am banned if this is what is how it is going to be from now on i dont think i would want to be there anyways so either this is a good bye or sumthing else i just hope it is something and that someone at least understands what im trying to say