Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy View Post
Aye, and what about the places that are easy to win in because the home team sucks? Anyway, pretty lame so far with this round of the NHL playoffs. I most wanted the Flyers and Wings to win and well...yeah...
Even with some of the worst teams in the league (take Edmonton and Colorado as an example), the buildings are notorious for having rowdy and very faithful fans. Even if the team itself doesn't put up much of a fight, sometimes just the atmosphere of the arena is enough to through some lesser players for a loop. Most teams (not all, but most) win more games at home than they do on the road. Looking at the standings this year, there were only five or six teams that didn't win more at home than away. Edmonton did, and Colorado did. Hell, even Florida and the Islanders did. Doesn't mean anything about the team that's actually there, it's the mythical "home ice advantage."

Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy View Post
Loving what Tampa is doing though.
This, so much this.

I also love that Roloson has gray in his beard.

Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy View Post
As for the Canucks series, Pekka Rinne is ridiculous, but not enough to stop Vancouver from advancing.
You know, I don't think I watched a single Nashville game in the regular season, and I'm starting to regret that. Rinne is freaking amazing. Even with the game tonight, he really only made one mistake that I picked up on, which led to a goal for the Canucks. But beyond that, he has been practically unbeatable.

I wish I could put more odds in favour of Nashville, because I'm really only cheering for Vancouver because they are the local and Canadian team (I live just outside of Vancouver). But when Nashville goes seventeen minutes without a shot on goal... they can't win the series doing that. They might win another game, but I don't see them making this a run to Game 7 against the Canucks.

Definitely gonna keep my eyes on Rinne next season, though.