Not really.

The other endings are decided by whether or not you choose to use the Stones to either save Albert(ending 3) or if you instead choose to go back and try to rewrite history to void the events of the game. If you succeed in that you get ending 1, if you die trying - ending 2.

In ending 1, Miguel and Bianca die (Miguel by Biancas hand when she interrupts the attempt at kidnapping child-Bianca, Bianca by either the Curse or suicide upon realising she's trapped in the past, remembering a horrific life that never was and slowly dying of the Curse). But Bianca does succeed in undoing the entire events of the game, leaving everyone else alive

In ending 2, everyone dies. Miguel takes PC-Bianca's legendary stone to the Queen and the resulting paradox effectively nukes both timelines.

In ending 3, Albert and Christina live, everyone else dies. Bianca succumbs to the Curse and its life-draining effect.

On a side note, despite not ever being explained in the game - Cecilia is the Heroine's older sister, victim of an earlier kidnapping raid and bought out by the Queen much as Bianca is if you go down the 'follow Cecilia' path. If you don't go down that path, she reappears as a boss in stage 20.