I thought this movie wasn't that great. There are a few points where the action heats up and things get entertaining, but all in all there was just something about it that made it hard for me to enjoy. Part of it was Nick Nolte's horrid acting, but that's really just a small part of it when it comes down to it. Another part was how incredibly rediculous the Hulk looked, but even that didn't ruin the movie for me. Nah, it's just how even though it was well over two hours long, nothing much happened of any signifigance aside from Hulks occasional rampages. Not to mention the ending was a horrid mess. All in all, it's really one of those movies that I felt I could've just skipped and never really have missed out on anything. It was very forgettable, and that's too bad, cause I was really looking forward to it.

Disclaimer: These are my opinions, and only my opinions. I believe that everyone should have the chance to form thier own, so I suggest that you go see it if you should get the chance. Perhaps you'll find it more entertaining then I did, and that's what matters at the end of the day.