Quote Originally Posted by Yoni Arousement View Post
There is an easy way to dump Gameboy games if you have an Everdrive 64 and a Transfer Pak.
That actually sound pretty cool to me. But I lack the games, and I'm not going to buy GB/GBC games. I am interested in trying this with DS games though, and wish to understand more about how games and game consoles work.

To everyone: I understand and assumed that it's mostly Nintendo. I'm just very drunk and trying to set up two ds flash cards. One, with sooooo many retro games (but the emulators aren't really up to scratch — was looking forward to GBC rom, arrrrgh. And the second with a load of DS titles and very useful educational application which I will probably never ever use.

p.s I have bought my fair share of Nintendo merchandise, but the idea of being able to have any NDS game I want, is just to tempting.

p.p.s I know how some feel about this, but, well. YOLO, :)