Quote Originally Posted by deadlegion View Post
Funny thing about Xbox One BC is I've noticed with Far Cry 3 that the 360 version actually runs better. I only have an S though so idk if an X would make any difference to the ported Classic version.

I still find it funny that people obsess over 60fps or more. Understandable for online mp I guess (? ) but otherwise I've beaten a few fairly challenging titles on hardest difficulty without needing 60fps...none of the DS series though (I mean 100% completed everything). Unless you want to include King's Field series? Those are easier than Souls games though.
Could always be that the emulator has more frame drops than the OG. I personally trust M$ with what they're doing with emulation. I don't own a One myself, but I've seen what their emulation can do. They've managed to alter some code of BC games to allow for better LODs or even unlocked frame rates, which is amazing. I realized you can do the same on some emus like CEMU and BOTW, but it's still amazing to me how official emulation can handle that. As for fps, in a perfect world we'd all play games at 1ms refresh time or less. But that's not the reality of things. Game engines and optimization can only go so far and some games are terribly optimized. I hate 30fps and can't stand it, but when I play older games on Dolphin or PCSX2 I don't mind it. I just can't stand it for native PC games. I also don't care about 144hz, because I know a lot of games don't work well with it. Borderlands, TF2 and FO/TES come to mind. These games can be wonky at higher frame rates and sometimes they struggle with even keeping 60. My PC isn't high end by any means, but even better PCs struggle with Borderlands and shit like Saints Row 2. Saints Row 2 is the poster child for terrible ports. If you want 60fps you better play in 640x480.