yeah, no joke. my grandpa was in a band back in the 50's and such so he plays the old style grip. crazy stuff.

i have an 18" crash and 21" inch ride from Zildgian which are pretty old. i got them with my grandpa's SLingerland set, so they're back there. but sound good. i also have a 14" AAX from sabian and...i forget my high hats. whatever kind they are, i'll have to check later. its too darn cold out to get to my garage.

i play w/ double bass everynow and then. its good to put in some fills, but i don't play real hardcore stuff, so its kinda interesting. its fun, but challenging to learn.

with these drum triggers and modulator i'm aiming for some crrrrazy electric sounding stuff. haha dumbly put, but i dunno.